2006 Book of the Year Award: Planeta.com

Best Travel Book Award 1999!

The People's Guide to Mexico

13th edition

Order your copy here

Excerpts from
The People's Guide
to Mexico

How it all began....

Staying Healthy

Safe & Easy

Parrot Fever

Maps & Sources (Updated)

For More Information

Excerpts from the People's Guide to Backpacking, Boating & Camping in Mexico

Strangers in the Night

Best Travel Book Award

The People's Guide to Mexico won the "best travel book" award from the Independent Publisher Association (formerly Small Press Book Awards).

Reviews of
the People's Guide to Mexico

•Review of the The People's Guide To Mexico 25th Anniversary Edition, by Ara Taylor, Bellingham Herald

"If you’re looking for the lowdown on Mexico, this is it. Celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary edition, The People’s Guide to Mexico is no mere ordinary guide book, and reading it is no mere ordinary experience....."

•Review by David "El Codo" Eidell

"The People’s Guide To Mexico. If you read it and apply Carl and Lorena’s vast storehouse of wit, knowledge and understanding to your own experiences in Mexico, the People's Guide method of mellow and adventurous travel will become automatic....."

•The Century's best books of Travel Writing

I wrote a letter recommending The People's Guide to Mexico when Salon magazine's travel writer asked readers to nominate the century's best books of travel writing. My comments were included in the resulting article.

The article's author refers to my suggestion as "offbeat." Maybe he considered the Guide out of place next to books expressly offered as literature. The People's Guide to Mexico is definitely not A Year in Provence. Thank God.

Tom Sackett
Seattle, Washington

Letters from our Readers

"In search of information we were referred to your book. I have just read it and I must say. Is there anything you haven't seen or done in Mexico?"

13th edition
Discover why generations of travelers say they wouldn't cross the border without it! Read the award-winning book, The People's Guide to Mexico


©1972-2008 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens