My father who is 60 has been taking Spanish lessons for several years and is interested in traveling to Xalapa for 2 or 3 weeks this December to January. While there he would like to either attend a school or have a tutor/guide for the short period of time. He has already been to Cuernavaca and enjoyed the experience. Do you have any suggestions how to find a school or tutor? Any help you can respond with would be greatly appreciated! .... (more)
I'm taking a 6 week course in spoken Spanish so I can travel in Mexico this winter. I'll be driving. Of course, I won't have learned much in 6 weeks of classes, but I'll have a tutor for 8 weeks after that. How can I differenciate between Mexican Spanish and Spanish spoken in Spain and S. America?
Sorry about the corrections to your Spanish had the bad luck to write to a Spanish teacher (and apparently I couldn't resist rudely correcting you)! ... (more) From Flo Ariessohn
In April, after retiring, we are going to Mexico for 4 to 6 months. After hitchiking from Tucson to Acapulco and back in the early 60s, we have made half a dozen trips recently traveling around Mexico by bus. We have beginners Spanish ability, and are somewhat confused about "extranjero" language schools. We are looking for a good school (or schools) that will enable us to be more comfortable in traveling/living in country. Sessions of 4-5 weeks would be super.... (more) from Roger & Janet Dexter
Several months later:
Several months ago, we wrote asking for your recommendation on a language school and you suggested Encuentros. We are now in our third week at this wonderful school. Thanks for the excellent advice.
Roger & Janet Dexter
My husband and I have been enjoying your incredibly thorough and down to earth book. We are planning to rent a place -- either apt. or home -- for approximately three weeks this August either in San Miguel de Allende or Cuernavaca (we've never been to Mexico). On the internet, we've seen numerous enticing, reasonably priced places offered through private owners, and we're wondering how we can protect ourselves, and make sure that these are on the up and up.... (more) from Janice Eidus