published: February 2001
Reta & Dick Bray at Monte Alban
On, January 4, 2001 we took off from our home on Mexicos Lake Chapala, for a 3 month trip in our truck & 5th wheel trailer. Is a 29 1/2ft fifth wheel (with slide-out) an ideal RV for Mexico? Probably not, but we already had it from our previous extended travels in the U.S. & Canada, so decided to go for it and see what happens.,,,En route to Patzcuaro, our first stop, we were a bit dismayed to find that on the Hwy. 15 cuota (tollway) we were charged the maximum amount, the same as a semi-tractor & double trailer combo!... (more) by Reta & Dick Bray
Oaxaca Trailer Park is a busy crossroads, where we met people coming north, who had traveled down the Gulf Coast through the Yucatan peninsula & Chiapas, and people heading south, like us. Some people spend only a night, others stay for months. (more) by Reta & Dick Bray

Proposed Route for Reta & Dick Bray's RV Trip