The People's Guide To Mexico

The People's Guide to Mexico

The People's Guide to Mexico

•You're my Folk Heroes!

Hi Steve, Carl and Lorena,

You are some of my folk-heroes. It never occurred to me you might have a web page until tonight after two beers ( which I rarely drink accept in Mexico). I've read your book back in '93 before I went ot Oaxaca for a month ....I just picked it up again as I'm planning on spending three whole months in the Puerto Vallarta area near my boyfriend -- farmer -- maybe 165 km down in Chamela at the Biological Research Station,,,, (more)

•Hola Compaderos

Anyway, I just picked up a copy of your 25th anniversary edition guide. How many trips ago was it... 12?...16?...? that I carried the first edition on a visit--via "Kombi"--to Mazatlan/Tenacatita/
Palenque/Panajachel. It was invaluable then, as now. Though I think I have it memorized, so to speak, at this stage of the game, it is still witty and fun, and helps me forget the Oregon winter outside. I always recommend it to "first-timers".... (more)

•Thanks for the People's Guide

I always wanted to thank you for your 2 PEOPLE'S GUIDE books. They were my bibles during the trips I took 20 years ago, and it's a little hard for me to sort out true memories of my trips from yours.... (more)

I traveled blindfolded

although we have never met i feel like i've known you forever.

i first went to mexico in 1978 and immediately fell in love with that fantastic country and its people. i only had my dog, my van, a very limited supply of pesos and my sense of adventure. i did not have your/my peoples guide yet but still had a fantastic experience and of course was hooked.
then i was turned-on to your book and it was like i had traveled blindfolded.
... (more) from alan, pernita, reina and cianna armstrong, creston, b.c., canada

Is Carl Getting Old?

I am 70 and a Mexiphile of the 2ndwater and my 91 year old mother is a Mexiphile of the 1st water after travelling there since the 40s. Her favorite book is your old PG which remains by her arm most of the time. We had hoped to make Morelia home, but alas it hasn't happened! .... (more)

Regards John Phillips

Carl responds: We were very pleased to hear that both you and your mother are PG readers.... the first time I really understood "aging" was when a young man of about 21 years came up to me and gushed, "My parents used to read to me from your book when I was a baby." My first thought, of course, was "How is that possible?".... (more)

Nominated for the century's best books of travel writing: Salon Magazine

Dear Carl & Lorena,

I wrote a letter recommending The People's Guide to Mexico when Salon magazine's travel writer asked readers to nominate the century's best books of travel writing. My comments were included in the resulting article. .... (more) from Tom Sackett

•Similarities between Walden and the PG

I anxiously await any and all info on your new living-retirement efforts. I greatly appreciate the frugality of your general perspective in the PG. And I am as curious as I am puzzled by your stationing in the center of the expat community near Guadalajara for research. by Tom Gibbs

"Is there anything you haven't seen or done in Mexico?

  • Reading The People's Guide to Mexico was like being thrown into an adventure movie. It is definitely a book that's hard to put down. I've never read a guide book that was also a novel. I felt as if I was traveling with you and experiencing the same trials and tribulations of travel. The book is packed with so much information on seemingly every subject one might encounter while traveling"..... (more) from Marty, Colorado

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    The People's Guide to Mexico

    ©1972-2003 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens