We are planing our first RV trip into Mexico, motor home and car. We can not seem to find reasonable insurance.... (more)
We live in Chicago and are planning to visit Bahia Los Angeles this Summer. We think to fly to San Diego and drive down to Bahia. Do you know any charters bus companies that may get us there? ... (more)
I got to your web site because I looked at a Hornet RV----and was wondering how good of an RV it was or is. I have always been a tent camper, but I'm looking for something a little easier so that I can plan more long weekends, now that my kids are in college.... (more)
I found your web address in Access Magazine which is delivered with my daily paper. We have been planning a Nov. 11 trip to PV for quite some time and found your site very helpful. We have our passports, FMT ( from the Orlando Mexican Consul ) and auto insurance in hand but still haven't decided which route to take to PV from Laredo.... (more)
What is the best way to get from the airport of a border city (San Diego, El Paso, McAllen, Laredo, Harlingen, or Brownsville) to the bus station on the Mexico side? Can buses cross the border with passengers?.... (more) from Don Carpenter
We would appreciate your thoughts regarding a trip I my son and uncle are planning. Taking much of the Mayan route in Guatemala, Belize and Mexico.
We are planning to use an old military style vehicle which is converted into a camper, known as a Unimog and are anticipating mostly living in the vehicle while in Guatemala, Belize and Chiapas, Quintana Roo and the Yucatan in Mexico. Opinion varies on the wisdom of using this type of vehicle or camping out in relation to safety because the vehicle is quite conspicuous and we may not be able to find a camping site.... (more) from Matthew Solomon
"Screeeeech!" An endless sound of crunching metal, a *pop*, and another sound, something unidentifiable, something we can't see.We zip on like Bonnie & Clyde, half believing we'd stop if only there were enough room, when we hear the quick "wheerp" of a siren.... (more) by Bobi & Scott Wilson