We live in Chicago and are planning to visit Bahia Los Angeles this Summer. We think to fly to San Diego and drive down to Bahia. Do you know any charters bus companies that may get us there? ... (more)
After talking with some of my Mexican Friends about my ideas of relocating to Mexico, they offered Puerto Vallarta as a suggestion for us. We are not interested in a retirement lifestyle, but rather to work there. I don't know if it is possible for us ( as being Americans) working there.... (more)
We are a church hiking club from Phoenix, AZ interested in exploring the Copper Canyon. We were told that the Canyon was in the vicinity of Puerto Penasco, but none of your articles mention driving from Arizona. Is this possible? Could we cross the border at Puerto Penasco for the shortest route, rather than at Nogales? This is my first question. I am still deeply engrossed in reading your website. It is wonderful! from Nanneygoat (Susan Dunnivant)
Answers by Carl & Lorena
1. Are you still running trips to Baja? 2. Where would you recommend for wind surfing? 3. What are your favorite places with beaches. (we will be flying in during January.)?.... (more)
Need some information about Tlazazalca in the state of Michoacan; it's not listed anywhere... (more)
We will be stopping in Cozumel with our cruise ship. Since we only have a few hours what could you suggest we do.... (more)
I just ordered the book you reviewed on Lake Chapala, written by Teresa....., sounded interesting. I want to get ready for our visit to the Lake, so will want to read the book and dream a little. Don't know yet when we can retire, hope it is soon.
A mandatory note here to say that I am surprised and truly shocked that you wonderful folks would "host and post" such a distastefully written article as "OAXACA: I'VE CHANGED MY MIND" by Bill Masterson. What a pompous and unsoulful perspective this man presents -- Sort of an unfocused, confused and rather pointless exercise in self-engrandizing 'target practice'. Quite out of sink with the caliber of both of your normally warm and insightful styles.
I not only think that Mr. Masterson should be absolutely ashamed of himself, but that he also does you both a grave injustice by even being on your site. IMHO
Como Siempre, Vallan Con Dios Ken Richards
I'm glad to hear that Bill Masterson will "probably not" be returning to Oaxaca. It seems to me that Bill is carrying a lot of physic baggage with him that makes it impossible for him to fully enjoy the pleasures of Oaxaca. Oaxaca was unable to cater to Bill's whims? Fine. Bill should probably confine his visits to only those places that conform to his narrow vision of what Mexico should be.
Yours, Felipe
I sure appreciate reading those opinionated letters (such as the one about Oaxaca} - a little limone to balance out the azucar!
David '"El Codo" Eidell
I was surprised to find out you are at Lake Chapala, it always sounded so "middle-class". :-) But I since have learned you are researching material for a new book, on retiring in México. I'll be looking for it in my favorite bookstores, Amazon, on-line; B&N, on the ground. (It's the latté, man!) ... (more)
Lake Chapala Dreaming
Saludos cordiales, Mike
Carl responds
Yes, we have gone hopelessly middle class here, but its probably just a temporary condition. After pioneer living in the soggy Northwest, it is quite a novelty to have such luxuries as electricity and a real refrigerator instead of an ice chest. Guests keep reminding us to turn the lights on. Have we finally achieved the American Dream in sunny Mexico? Stay tuned....
My husband and I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage in 2000. I found Yelapa Mexico like Heaven on earth. We would LOVE to rent a house/villa there in Sept., but because it is so off the beaten track, are having difficulties finding rental info.... (more) from Victoria Dunlap
We are looking seriously at coming to Mexico for a month next July. Would you have any suggestions re places to take Nancy and Hannah? We will probably spend between one and two of the four weeks in San Miguel. Keep in mind that Nancy has never been to Mexico, but has travelled a lot and Hannah will be 10 and a half.... (more) from Jim Jamieson
Oaxaca, over the last few days, has been fun. Getting an Internet connection was a minor adventure, but I'm all set up now. I have a URL of some of the images I took.
It's: <http://www.bigtrouble.com/photos> I've taken a bunch, but the link just shows some highlights. I'm going to expand on it, so you can do searches, have an uninterrupted slideshow, etc.... (more) from Bryn Dyment