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Judas at the Jockey Club

Review by Carl Franz

If I hadn't found this book used, for just two bucks, the combination of the author's scholarly credentials and the odd title might well have deflected me from a most illuminating and delightful read. In addition to being very well written, the book is a goldmine of trivia (such as the history of bicycling in Mexico), fascinating anecdotes and unusual historical tidbits. Judas at the Jockey Club is now high on my 'personal favorites' reading list and I'm amazed that it isn't better known.

To briefly sample a few reviews: "The author succeeds admirably in opening a window to the minds of turn-of-the-century Mexicans pursuing the elusive idea of progress." "It is impossible not to like the book and to learn from it. Important but neglected themes of Mexican history (e.g. sport) are rescued...." "Witty and entertaining but also thought-provoking."

Judas at the Jockey Club (and Other Episodes of Porfirian Mexico) by William H. Breezley, 1978 University of Nebraska Press.ISBN 0-8032-6102-0
From The People's Guide Travel Letter #4

Finding Judas at the Jockey Club used, by by P.G. Meier

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©1972-2011 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens