The People's Guide To Mexico

Carl's Copper Canyon Notebook
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The Copper Canyon
The Best of Mexico
Letters on the Copper Canyon

Copper Canyon Itineraries

Several Copper Canyon Itineraries from the upcoming The People's Guide to Mexico, 13th edition

Planning a trip into the Sierra Madre is complicated by a lack of "infrastructure" and a dearth of reliable information. I’ve listed several itinerary options below, followed by a more detailed, place-by-place description. Whichever itinerary you follow, do your best to make at least one side trip by bus or hired vehicle to the deeper canyon bottoms at Batopilas (from Creel) or Urique (from Bahuichivo). The roads to these ancient mining villages provide views that rival and even surpass those seen from the train.... (more)

A Copper Canyon Itinerary Via Columbus, New Mexico

There is a wonderful, virtually unknown route into the canyon country from Columbus, NM. It goes like this:

-- Columbus to Janos to Nuevo Casas Grandes (the ruins and museum at Paquime are great; closed Monday). If you're driving and are interested in fine pottery, visit the village of Mata Ortiz. (more)

©1972-2002 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens