The People's Guide To Mexico

Packing Up

Money in Mexico: First Things First

Among the most important questions to ask yourself while packing up and making your pre-trip preparations, is "what about money? "Will you carry cash and/or traveler's checks in Mexico, and when it runs out, as it always does, how will you get more? .... (more) by Carl Franz

Carl’s Mexico Travel Writing Toolkit

Once upon a time, when I first began a serious writing routine, I worked entirely with pencils, ruled 3 x 5 index cards and a very sturdy Olympia portable typewriter....Then, in 1985, an article in the newspaper about personal computers and something called “dedicated word processors” changed my life..... (more) by Carl Franz

Sew Your Own Hidden Pocket

"Hey, has anyone seen my (traveler's checks, tourist card, passport, driver's license or other important paper)?" is a question all too frequently heard while traveling. The slight note of anxiety in the person's voice quickly turns to panic when everyone nearby casually answers, "Nope!" (more)

Pack Light - Pack Smart

If you need resort wear and can't find it in Minnesota, you can have clothing made to order (hecha a la medida) or buy it ready-made in Mexico. Handmade clothes aren't wash-and-wear, although many types are presentable without ironing. (more)

A Short Wave Radio

A good portable short wave radio is a godsend for people who enjoy going to way-out-of-the-way places. The short-wave can also help you learn Spanish. I learned Spanish by watching Univision news every day for several years. From what I've heard from people who've 'tried' and failed to learn another language, there's only one essential trick: persistence. You only have to practice a little bit every day, and every day. It's like weight-lifting

The People's Guide to Mexico
13th edition
Discover why generations of travelers say they wouldn't cross the border without it! Read the award-winning book: The People's Guide to Mexico

©1972-2008 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens