I have a legitimate prescription for Testosterone Cypionate from my endocrinologist. I have an extremely low testosterone count in the range of 260, when normal is 300-1100. Anyways, Cypionate is not covered by my U.S insurance. I know that many people abuse this for bodybuilding purposes.
Even though my need is legitimate my question is this: If I go to TJ in search of Cypionate with my U.S prescription and manage to get a mexican presescription for the actual purchase, will I have trouble at the border?
Thanks A Lot,
David "El Codo" Eidell responds:
Armed with that prescription, here's what I would do:
Drive to any one of the SAN DIEGO RED TROLLEY parking lots between San Diego and the border. Hop on the San Ysidro trolley and ride it to the end (San Ysidro). Between the trolley and the border gate will be several cross/border buses that will take you to Ave. Revolucions in Tijuana for a dollar fifty (one way).
Choose any one of a half-dozen farmacias within a two block zone around your bus stop in TJ and ask them to recommend a Mexican doctor to write a prescription for your medication.
After the doctor gives you the prescription and before you pay him, ask him to telephone the farmacia and ask them if they have that medicine on the shelf. A common doctor's fee these days is twenty dollars.
Have the farmacia make a xerox copy of the Mexican doctor's prescription because they're going to keep the original Rx. With your Mexican Rx + your US Rx + the farmacia receipt, you are 100% covered at the border and on Mexican soil.
I have a mostly "off" prescription for a controlled medicine that I have sporatically used the last fifteen years. Whenever Doctor Enrique has a glimpse of me in the waiting room, by the time he gets to me, the prescription is already written and I'm on my way within seconds. After awhile most doctors will automatically increase the amount of medicine that they will prescribe because they are more comfortable with you as a patient.