Here's some more menu fun, all from the same restaurant in Oaxaca:
Beans and Race
Chopper tomatoes
Biscuit with Buster and Jam
Soup with Friend Tortilla
But at least they try to make the menus accessible to non-Spanish speakers. More than the U.S. does for non-English speakers... (more from Jana)
As for menu trnslations
I'm not sure if you remember that eggs with dreaded meat, eggs with fool and fruit with not ice cream were from a menu at the Huizache Motel restaurant in Saltillo on the first night I ever spent in Mexico [headed for San Miguel in l965].
Joan P
I'd like to submit a funny menu misprint that my friend and I found on a menu in a cafe in Tuxtla Gutierrez last winter: under the many breakfast choices (which included cereals commonly found in the USA) was "brain flakes".
We opted for the fruit and yogurt.... (more)