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Index:Returning to the USA
Published: January 2002Not everyone looks like a redneck and if you have a full beard and are dark complected expect to be looked at a little closer than usual. Unless you answer the Customs Agent's questions with a strange accent, a few spoken words will reassure him or her that you need no further study. Contrary to earlier news accounts, very few Americans are asked to show a photo ID, and fewer still are subject to "Wants & Warrants" inquiries.... (more) by David "El Codo" Eidell October 2002Crossing the US Border: What Might Happen Why Is He Typing In My License Plate Number? US Customs, created a computer database system in the late 1980's that links every kiosk in every Port of Entry, together so that information could be shared instantly. The computer system was dubbed "Tecs II" and the information collected is categorized, and filed by regional headquarters, and finally information is edited by US Customs (which is a department of the Treasury) in Washington DC. |