Thirty years ago my mother single-handedly packed our "yellow submarine" inside and out (with God-knows-what) and her six kids to escape the growing chaos of southern California. "Guadalajara" she sang, and off we went...
The plan was to stay for good. We lasted just nine months. Her five boys and one girl would grow up as nice little North Americans after all.
About 20 years ago she and I migrated north to Port Townsend, Washington. In the 1970's I would occasionally escape the Pacific NW winters and head to Mexico. Then I got caught up in the great American work ethic and forgot to go to Mexico for twelve years! In June of 1992, frazzled, I somehow managed to take two weeks off from the restaurant biz and returned for R?.
I won't bore you with all my self-realizations and blah blah, but I will tell you that I returned early, only to 'bag' my life in the states....
My partner, Alma Rita, was born and raised in Mexico City. Settling in San Blas, Nayarit is certainly a bigger change for her, I believe, than for me. Twenty years of Port Townsend was much more akin to San Blas than is the largest city in the world.
We are enjoying living in tropical lethargy. However we have managed to spend all our pesos and dollars on fixing up our little bungalows, "Quinta California". If you know anyone coming our way....
We are located halfway between San Blas and the beach, behind 'Bar los Panchos'. Our six bungalows each have two large bedrooms, and are fully equipped with kitchen and dining area, private bathrooms and separate hand laundry areas. Yes, we have complete mosquito nettings and hot water. Well, the truth? The water is hot most the year.
Considering the size of our bungalows, the best values are to those travelers who are traveling in numbers of four or more. We welcome all those who wish to stay a night, a week, month or longer.
Your People's Guide to Mexico has been the single most valuable reference for me in my transition to my mixed-up, crazy new world. Every time I recommend it to a guest, they struggle to free a copy from their pack mumbling, "...of course, got it."
ThanX a million, and oh Yea, Chris & Alma Rita
La Quinta California
A.P. # 100
San Blas 63740
Nayarit, Mexico