The People's Guide To Mexico

San Blas Index page
•Hurricane Kenna

San Blas Recovered

by Pat Cordes

Article received May 2003

Whenever I do a search on San Blas Mexico the number one article is the people's guide article about hurricane Kenna. 

I was in the states when Kenna hit and after listening to the news accounts I wondered if San Blas even existed anymore.  The answer is yes, it does.  The problem with your article and others is that the tourists have stropped coming almost completely and it is now 7 months after the storm. 

San Blas is a small town and is somewhat dependent on the tourist dollars.  I would like to point out that all the hotels and restaurants are open, they had the ramadas back up at the beach within weeks, there was no outbreak of desease and all is well here. 

If you can do anything to let people know that San Blas is up and running it would be greatly appreciated. 

I wrote a site called to promote tourism.  Please have a look. 

Thanks, Pat Cordes

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