Mexico: A to Z
Keeping In Touch

A Typical Polite Letter to Mexicans

While traveling we often meet people we’d like to drop a line to once we return home. The problem is what to say and how to say it, especially if your Spanish is weak. It’s amazing what can be communicated with sign language, facial expressions and other signals, none of which are available when faced with a blank sheet of paper.

The following letter can be used, either by itself or in parts, to at least say to a Mexican friend: "Here I am. How are you? We haven’t forgotten." Don’t worry about the seemingly excessively formal tone; that’s just the way Mexicans talk in their letters. If you have more to say, forget grammar and spell it out as clearly as possible. Everyone knows how to read between the lines.

Most large greeting card companies offer foreign language cards for all occasions. Sending one of these to friends and acquaintances you’ve made during your travels will make a great hit.

Addresses: Print the person’s full name and if you don’t have the exact address write Domicilio Conocido (house or address known) with whatever part of the address you do have. Many people, particularly in the country, will receive mail with just their name, that of their village or municipio (county) and domicilio conocido. Someone will deliver the letter or advise them it is at the post office.

"Queridos Amigos:

Nuestros estimados y apreciables amigos: por medio de la presente les saludamos y les decimos lo siguiente: Hemos estado pensando mucho en Ustedes y es posible que podamos visitarles tan pronto como sea posible.

Realmente deseamos que llegue el momento de saludarlos personalmente otra vez y platicar ampliamente con Ustedes. Es por demás desearles que estén bien de salud, puesto que estén bien.

Nosotros estamos bien, gracias a Dios.

Muchos saludos a toda la familia y unos grandes abrazos."

Sus Amigos,

Dear Friends,

Our esteemed and valued friends: by means of this letter (card, correspondence, etc.) we greet you and say the following: We have been thinking of you a great deal and it is possible that we can visit you as soon as possible.

We really hope that the moment arrives to greet you personally again and to talk extensively with you. It is needless to hope that you are in good health since you know that it is our greatest wish that you are well.

We are well, thanks to God.

Many regards to all the family and some great abrazos (hugs).

Your Friends,

Getting Mail in Mexico
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©1972-2001 by Carl Franz & Lorena Havens